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git-open-pr opens a pull request in a specified remote repository using specified source and target branches. This step is often used after a git-push step and is commonly followed by a git-wait-for-pr step.

At present, this feature only supports GitHub, Gitea, Azure DevOps, and GitLab pull/merge requests.


repoURLstringYThe URL of a remote Git repository.
providerstringNThe name of the Git provider to use. Currently only github, gitlab, azure, and gitea are supported. Kargo will try to infer the provider if it is not explicitly specified.
insecureSkipTLSVerifybooleanNIndicates whether to bypass TLS certificate verification when interfacing with the Git provider. Setting this to true is highly discouraged in production.
sourceBranchstringYSpecifies the source branch for the pull request.
targetBranchstringNThe branch to which the changes should be merged.
createTargetBranchbooleanNIndicates whether a new, empty orphaned branch should be created and pushed to the remote if the target branch does not already exist there. Default is false.
titlestringNThe title for the pull request. Kargo generates a title based on the commit messages if it is not explicitly specified.
labels[]stringNLabels to add to the pull request.


prNumbernumberThe numeric identifier of the pull request opened by this step. Typically, a subsequent git-wait-for-pr step will reference this output to learn what pull request to monitor.


Common Usage

The following example demonstrates a common use case for git-open-pr. It follows a git-push step that has pushed changes to a remote repository to a branch with a generated name. The git-open-pr step then opens a pull request to merge the changes from the source branch which was created by the git-push step into the stage/${{ ctx.stage }} branch.

This is a common pattern when implementing GitOps-based promotion workflows, where changes are first pushed to an intermediate branch and then merged into a stage-specific branch through a pull request.

# Clone, prepare the contents of ./out, commit, etc...
- uses: git-push
as: push
path: ./out
generateTargetBranch: true
- uses: git-open-pr
as: open-pr
createTargetBranch: true
sourceBranch: ${{ outputs.push.branch }}
targetBranch: stage/${{ ctx.stage }}
# Wait for the PR to be merged or closed...

Custom Title and Labels

The following example demonstrates how to specify a custom title and labels for the pull request opened by git-open-pr. After pushing changes to a generated branch, the git-open-pr step creates a pull request with a title that references the current stage (Deploy to ${{ ctx.stage }}) and adds two labels: "infra" and "needs-review".

This is useful when you want to provide more context about the changes being proposed or need to integrate with existing PR review workflows that rely on specific labels for automation or filtering.

# Clone, prepare the contents of ./out, commit, etc...
- uses: git-push
as: push
path: ./out
generateTargetBranch: true
- uses: git-open-pr
sourceBranch: ${{ outputs.push.branch }}
targetBranch: stage/${{ ctx.stage }}
title: Deploy to ${{ ctx.stage }}
labels: ["infra", "needs-review"]
# Wait for the PR to be merged or closed...

Custom Git Provider

The following example demonstrates how to specify a custom Git provider for git-open-pr. This is useful when the provider cannot be inferred from the repoURL. For example, if the repository is hosted on a self-hosted GitLab instance, the provider must be specified as gitlab.

# Clone, push, prepare the contents of ./out, commit, etc...
- uses: git-open-pr
provider: gitlab
# Additional configuration...